Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy January

Wow! Can you believe the school year is half over? We have been so busy in the classroom working on GAA and our IEP goals and learning so many new things. I am so proud of all of you. Remember we do not have school on Monday January 21, 2014, we will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday. When we return on Tuesday we will begin the second collection period assessments in GAA. We will also continue working toward mastering our goals. Parents if want to know what to work on with your child at home please refer to the goal pages from the IEP. I send those home with report cards so you should have gotten a copy last week with the report card. I am looking forward to an amazing second half of the school year. We have welcomed new friends into our learning environment and are looking forward to developing friendships and learning together. Have a great long weekend and I will be at the door ready to see each of you on Tuesday morning.